Paulie Antiquity HeadWrap #2

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Paulie Antiquity HeadWrap #2
From a head scarf to a neck scarf, this piece is versatile and stylish!
100% cotton African print fabric
African Head Wrap Extra Long 72”x22”Wax Print Head Scarf Tie for Women
African headwraps, also known as gele, dhuku, turban, or headtie, have a rich history in African cultures, particularly among women.
In many African societies, headwraps were a symbol of social status, marital status, or age group.
They were also worn for religious and cultural events, as well as for everyday wear.
The style and color of the headwrap often conveyed a specific message or meaning.
The history of African headwraps dates back to ancient times,
with evidence of their use found in Egyptian hieroglyphics and Nubian artwork.
Over time, the headwrap has evolved and been influenced by different regions and cultures, resulting in a diverse range of styles and techniques.
Today, African headwraps continue to be a popular fashion accessory and are celebrated for their beauty, versatility, and cultural significance.