Paulie Aromatic Tea Bath 100g

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Paulie Aromatic Tea Bath 100g
Offers a range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits due to the combination of warm water, herbal properties, and calming aromas.
Connection to Higher Energies
Grounding and Emotional Healing
Amplified Meditation and Reflection
Suggested Spiritual Tea Bath Blends
  • Cleansing Bath
  • Love & Heart Healing Bath
  • Grounding Bath
  • Manifestation Bath
Paulie Aromatic Tea Bath is a beautiful way to nourish your soul, connect with divine energies, and reset your spiritual energy for new beginnings.

Using an Aromatic Tea Spiritual Bath is a beautiful ritual to cleanse your energy, set spiritual intentions, and connect with your inner self or higher power. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use and get the most from your spiritual bath:

Set Your Intention
Take a moment to focus on the purpose of your spiritual bath. What are you seeking? Is it cleansing, healing, emotional release, or attracting positive energy?

You can say a silent prayer, mantra, or affirmation that aligns with your intention. For example, “I release all that no longer serves me” or “I welcome love, peace, and clarity into my life.”

Create the Herbal Infusion
Tea Method: Boil a pot of water and steep your herbs or tea bags (around 3–5 bags or a handful of loose herbs) for 10–15 minutes. Strain the mixture and add the infused water into your bath.
Direct Bath Method: You can also place your herbs directly in a muslin bag or bath sachet and drop it into your bathwater. This way, the herbs will steep in the tub without creating a mess.

Prepare the Bath
Draw the Bath: Fill your tub with warm water. As the tub fills, pour in your herbal infusion or place the sachet in the water.
Add Essential Oils (optional): If you’re using essential oils, add a few drops (around 5–10 drops) into the bath. Lavender, frankincense, sandalwood, or rose oil work well for spiritual purposes.
Include Crystals (optional): Place healing crystals like rose quartz (for love), amethyst (for spiritual insight), or clear quartz (for clarity) around the edge of the tub, or even hold one during your bath.

 Enter the Bath with Mindfulness
As you enter the water, do so mindfully. Focus on the warmth of the water and the aromas surrounding you. Imagine yourself being embraced by healing energy.
Visualize the water cleansing your aura, removing any negative or stagnant energy.

 Meditate and Reflect
Breathe Deeply: Close your eyes and focus on your breath, inhaling the calming aromas and exhaling stress and negativity.
Meditation: Use this time for meditation, prayer, or mindfulness. You may choose to focus on your intention or let your mind relax completely.
Visualization: As you soak, visualize your intentions manifesting. For example, if you’re seeking healing, imagine the herbal water filling your body with light and healing energy.
Mantras or Affirmations: You can repeat your spiritual affirmation silently or aloud to further charge your intention.

Release and Let Go
If your intention is to release something (emotional blocks, stress, negativity), focus on that energy leaving your body and being absorbed by the water. Imagine the water carrying away your burdens.
As you let go, trust that the water and herbs are purifying your body, mind, and spirit.

Conclude the Ritual
When you’re ready to leave the bath, take your time and move slowly. As you step out of the tub, imagine yourself stepping into a renewed, cleansed version of yourself.
Air Dry or Gently Pat Dry: If possible, allow yourself to air dry to absorb the energy from the bath, or gently pat yourself dry with a towel.

Post-Bath Rituals
Journal: After the bath, take a few moments to write down any insights, feelings, or thoughts that arose during your spiritual bath. Reflect on your experience and how you feel.
Hydrate: Drink a glass of water or herbal tea to ground yourself and hydrate after your bath.
Light Stretching or Rest: You may want to perform light yoga, meditate further, or rest in a peaceful environment to fully integrate the spiritual energy you’ve cultivated.

 Closing Affirmation
End with a closing affirmation or gratitude prayer. Thank the water, herbs, and energies for their healing. Affirm your intention one last time, sealing it into your spiritual path