Paulie Diabetic & Cholesterol kit ( You get 4 teas)

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Paulie Diabetic & Cholesterol kit ( You get 4 teas)
Mamora tea 70g ( 100% Organic)
Has 22 times more calcium than milk,
in addition to being rich in iron, fibers, yeast,
magnesium, potassium, proteins, zinc and minerals.
This plant helps regulate the intestine, inhibits the accumulation of cholesterol in the liver, has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, in addition to preventing osteoporosis.
 Mamora tea stimulates the release of insulin and improves the body's glycemic rate indexes, being even useful in preventing diabetes. It is also able to eliminate a large amount of cholesterol and fat in the liver and gallbladder, thereby reducing body fat, being useful for people with obesity or overweight, in addition to improving the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
 Mamora tea relieves symptoms related to menopause, such as anxiety, hot flashes, depression, difficulty sleeping, joint pain, headaches, muscle pain, irritation, poor memory, nervousness, urinary problems, reduced libido and cold sweats.
Baburu Root 50g
Ingredients: 100% Baburu Root 50g From Africa
What is Baburu Root ?
It is a root rich in highly detoxifying and purifying quinones, catechins, polyols and bioflavonoids.
Due to its richness in substances with physiological activity, it acts in a great part of our organism according to the lack of the cells, is still recognized in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, gall bladder, spleen and all the urinary apparatus.
As a purifier allows blood flow, fighting cholesterol and normalizing blood pressure.
In external lavage, results are obtained in herpes, in sores and other affections. Because it is very diuretic, it eliminates fats and reduces weight.
Recommended for: liver problems, gall bladder problems, purify the blood, eliminate fats, lower cholesterol, kidney problems, gastroenteritis, bad after meals, etc.
Diabetes  Tea ( organic)
100% Natural formula to combat and reduce diabetes.
Method of preparation: Place 2 tablespoons in 1 liter of boiled water and let stand 5 to 10 minutes. It should remain covered during infusion. It is advisable to drink 1 liter per day, 1 cup in the morning, a cup in the evening and the rest should be drunk after meals.
NOTE: Call your doctor if you are taking insulin.
Our medical formulas are based on ancestral knowledge and experiences with editorial bibliographic bases. However they undergo minor adjustments so that the blends are current and sophisticated, both in terms of flavor and therapeutic effects.
Ingredients: Cashew, Eucalyptus and the Gall of the Earth. 
Method of preparation: 
1 tablespoon for 1 litre of water. Place the shell in the still cool water and let it boil. Turn off the stove and let it infuse about 3 minutes, plugged.
It is recommended to take 2 cups before each meal and at bedtime.