Tetra Lady´s ( Tetrapleura & Lady's Mantle)

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Tetra Lady´s  ( Tetrapleura & Lady's Mantle)
Tetrapleura tetraptera fruit has important antimalarial and analgesic activities. Its use in traditional medicine is widespread for the treatment of asthma, ulcer, epilepsy, diabetes, hypertension, convulsions, leprosy, inflammations and / or rheumatic pains, in hypertension arterial (to lower blood pressure), and as a contraceptive. Leaves, bark, roots and grains are used.


This fruit is also traditional treatment. For women who suffer from cysts and some infertility. They must not be operated on. They must take the fleshy parts and put them in a container of water, after soaking them a few minutes, they will have to drink in half a glass while doing their purge.
It will be necessary to let the remedy act and if the women will want to relieve themselves or go to the pot. That they do it every day.
One month later, she will have to do an ultrasound, the probability that the dry cyst is 99%. This fruit has many virtues and also treats back pain. Very effective!

Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris)/ Alchemille/ Achillée mille feuille

Balancing and regulating effect on the female reproductive system. Excellent remedy for women approaching delivery. Good for making an herbal tea in order to strengthen the uterus, and to facilitate easier birth. Reduce pain associated with menstruation. Help make your hair healthy and glossy. Help treat a sore throat.
Used topically as an herbal douche, it can be used as a soothing treatment for various female gynecological disorders, such as vaginal inflammation and discharge. Good remedy for wounds, cuts and scrapes
Before you begin using this herb for medicinal reasons, do check with your doctor. This is especially true if you are taking prescription medication or if you are pregnant.