Mamora tea 70g ( 100% Organic)

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Mamora tea 70g ( 100% Organic)
Has 22 times more calcium than milk,
in addition to being rich in iron, fibers, yeast,
magnesium, potassium, proteins, zinc and minerals.
This plant helps regulate the intestine, inhibits the accumulation of cholesterol in the liver, has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, in addition to preventing osteoporosis.
 Mamora tea stimulates the release of insulin and improves the body's glycemic rate indexes, being even useful in preventing diabetes. It is also able to eliminate a large amount of cholesterol and fat in the liver and gallbladder, thereby reducing body fat, being useful for people with obesity or overweight, in addition to improving the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
 Mamora tea relieves symptoms related to menopause, such as anxiety, hot flashes, depression, difficulty sleeping, joint pain, headaches, muscle pain, irritation, poor memory, nervousness, urinary problems, reduced libido and cold sweats.
Infusion time: 3 to 5 minutes (must remain covered).
Recommended amount: 1 teaspoon per cup (approximately 2grs) or 3 tablespoons per 1.5 liters (between 10 to 15grs).