Paulie Money Rice/ Prosperity Rice

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Paulie Money Rice/ Prosperity Rice

"Money rice" is a term often used in spiritual practices, particularly in various forms of folk magic, hoodoo, and other spiritual traditions. It generally refers to rice that has been blessed, charged, or infused with intentions to attract wealth, prosperity, and abundance.

Attracting Wealth and Prosperity

Enhancing Business Success


Removing Financial Blockages

Creating a Positive Financial Mindset

Protecting Financial Resources

Here's a simple yet effective money rice magic spell ritual to attract prosperity and financial abundance. This ritual combines the preparation of money rice with an invocation of prosperity, using symbols and intentions to manifest wealth.


  • Uncooked White or Green Rice: White rice is traditional, but green-dyed rice can symbolize money and growth.
  • Cinnamon Powder: For attracting wealth and success.
  • Basil: Known for prosperity and financial blessings.
  • Bay Leaf: Represents wishes and good fortune.
  • Gold Glitter or Shredded Money: To symbolize wealth and abundance.
  • Money-Drawing Oil: This can be a special oil blend for prosperity or a simple essential oil like patchouli or cinnamon.
  • A Green or Gold Candle: Represents money, success, and prosperity.
  • Small Coin or Cash Bill: As a physical representation of money.
  • A Small Bowl or Jar: To hold the money rice.


  1. Cleanse Your Space: Before starting the ritual, cleanse your space to remove any negative energies. You can use incense, sage, or palo santo for this purpose.

  2. Set Your Intentions: Take a moment to sit quietly and focus on your intention. Visualize the financial prosperity you wish to attract. You may also want to write down your specific goals or desires on a piece of paper.

  3. Prepare the Money Rice:

    • Take a small bowl or jar and pour in the uncooked rice.
    • Add a pinch of cinnamon powder, basil, and a crumbled bay leaf to the rice.
    • Sprinkle a bit of gold glitter or shredded money into the mixture. This symbolizes the wealth you wish to attract.
    • Add a few drops of money-drawing oil while focusing on your intention. Stir the mixture clockwise, envisioning your financial situation improving and wealth flowing into your life.
  4. Charge the Rice:

    • Hold the bowl of money rice in your hands and speak your intention aloud. You can use words like:Feel the energy of your intention infusing the rice. Visualize money and opportunities flowing towards you effortlessly.
      • "By earth, fire, air, and sea, abundance and prosperity come to me. As this rice is blessed with wealth, so too is my life with financial health."
  5. Light the Candle:

    • Place the green or gold candle next to the bowl of money rice. Light the candle and say a prayer or affirmation for prosperity. For example:
      • "With this flame, I ignite the path to wealth. Money flows to me easily and effortlessly. My needs are met, and I am prosperous."
  6. Seal the Spell:

    • Allow the candle to burn for at least 15-30 minutes while you meditate on your financial goals.
    • Once you're ready, extinguish the candle (never blow it out; use a snuffer or pinch it out) and place the small coin or cash bill into the bowl of money rice as a symbol of the wealth you're attracting.
  7. Placement:

    • Place the bowl or jar of money rice in a prominent place in your home or workspace, such as near the entrance, on your altar, or where you handle finances.
    • You can also sprinkle a small amount of the rice in your wallet, cash register, or in the corners of your home to spread the prosperity energy.
  8. Renewal:

    • Every month, preferably during the New Moon (which symbolizes new beginnings), refresh the money rice by adding new herbs, oil, and intentions. Dispose of the old rice by scattering it outside or burying it in the earth, returning the energy to nature.

After the Ritual:

  • Mindset: Keep a positive mindset and stay open to opportunities that may bring financial success.
  • Action: Remember that while spiritual work is powerful, it's important to take practical steps toward your financial goals. The ritual helps to set the intention and attract the energy, but your actions in the physical world are what bring it to fruition.

This money rice spell is a powerful way to invite prosperity into your life by combining spiritual intention with the energy of abundance.