Paulie Relaxing Tea 124

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Reduces Chronic Pain; Alleviates Anxiety and Depression ; Eases Symptoms of Nausea; Can help you relax and fall asleep easily; Anxiety;  Headaches and Migraines;Menstrual Cramps and more.

 How to prepare Paulie Relaxed?

Preparation of Paule Relaxing is very similar to any other tea. Take 1 teaspoon of dry Paulie Relaxing leaves per cup and pour hot water over it. Let it steep (soak in water) between 2 and 5 minutes, depending on how strong you want the tea.
Paulie Relaxing tea has a very pleasant taste, like a herbal tea but as with any other tea, you can modify it to taste by sweetening it, adding milk or a squeeze of lemon.

Best before end: 01-12-2020